Friday, February 25, 2011

Show and Tell

People behind the scenes rarely get to come on out into center stage. My wind beneath my literary wings Charly helps me in all my posts, she edits and adds till my verbal explosions makes Today she has decided to write her first post on our blog and I cannot wait for you to read it. I finally get to share a bit more of my "Little Bits of Crazy" in my life. She is my sister in law, partner in crime and I am now sharing her with you.

Find Yourself Hilarious

Who knew that iron-ons
could be so much fun?
I often laugh at myself from a thought in my head before I’ve even had the chance to say it out loud or share it with someone else. (I’m laughing now.) Obviously, when I finally share that thought and people I care about find it equally as funny that just doubles my happiness. (It’s always nice to have confirmation that I am as funny as I think I am.)
I find amusement in the smallest of things which makes daily life a lot less stressful. Such as making my dad say funny things that he doesn’t understand, encouraging my cat to dance to the newest pop music (she’s really coming along, watch out Britney!) or creating themed
t-shirts for parties. I find it stress relieving to be able to exert my energy in a positive manner such as laughing.

Before Natasha went away on vacation in December I started to dread being apart for two WHOLE weeks, I requested an Amazon surrogate (she’s really tall) and she supplied me with TV show homework to pass the time. At first I thought “What a lousy replacement!” and then I began my assignment of watching “How I Met your Mother” and “The Big Bang Theory.” I don’t know how I survived without these shows before. It is such a nice break from reality when my day has gone far from perfect for me to just sink into a show that involves similar comedy that happens within my close group of friends. (I’ve been told that my husband and I are like Lily and Marshall from “How I Met your Mother.”) Often after I am finished watching the show, my previous demeanour of sulking has been replaced with an uplifted sense to push through the rest of my day.

I feel the same way when I am around my friends. They are a positive release for me and I am very grateful to have this close knit group of friends that can accept me for all of my funny, silly moments and partake in it too!

Find yourself hilarious, even if you’ve made a mistake because part of the learning is in the mistakes. If you make a mistake and you’re embarrassed, ask yourself in the big picture how much of an impact will this really have? If it has no long-term future consequences, then move on and laugh it off. You’ll feel better.

I do things that make me happy and that often leads to the people around me being happy. Laughter is contagious, and that’s one germ I love to spread!

“Virtual High Five!”


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